
by - siječnja 06, 2019

Constantly looking at photos of models that are presented as perfect, not a flaw on their face, no stretch marks, age marks or freckles. That beautiful girl we see in the magazines we buy to encourage ourselves to lose weight, fitness magazines that show us pictures of so-called "perfect" girls.
Obsessing over our body measurements. If our waist is not this size, we go to the gym to work out or starve ourselves for a few days, only to be happy at what we look at later on in the mirror. That small waist that is shown to us as ideal from the voice of society.
Not eating for several days only to keep our weight at a certain number, having unhealthy habits of only drinking water so we maintain that weight. 
Finding pictures of a model walking on a runway, standing in front of the mirror only to compare our looks and measurements so we can see how far we are from being "perfect".
Insisting on cutting out meals. Making sure we input an even amount of calories each day, not more, maybe less. We'll lose weight faster, right?
Denying the fact that we're hungry, lying to not only other people but also ourselves. Our stomach isn't craving food, it's just letting out sounds to tell us he's fine with us not eating regularly, right?
Earning applause from other people after they see how much weight you've lost.
Navigating ourselves towards a lower weight, making sure we stay in the same consistency, eating as little as possible and denying the fact that we're hungry.
Crying over the number on the scale every day after it has not dropped to the amount you want it to drop to.
Embracing the fact that you have an eating disorder. For what? The pictures you found of girls presented as "perfect" thinking they are worth it just because of their number on the scale. You now try and fix it and cry over how much you worried about your looks before your health.
Is that how you gain confidence, dear? Do you stand in front of the mirror and compare yourself to every pretty girl/boy you saw online, causing yourself to develop an eating disorder. Do you think that's the right way? Or do you think you should embrace who you are and flaunt it? Rock that new dress you have in your closet no matter if it shows a bit of your extra fat, rock the shirt that shows a little skin so people are able to see your unique stretch marks. Don't let people tell you what you're supposed to look like. You are YOU. A unique person who doesn't need to change for anyone but themselves. So go on, wear the dress you were self-conscious about. You are BEAUTIFUL. 

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2 komentari

  1. Man that's fucking bullshit,an individual should constantly strive for self improvement and not wallow in their own weakness
    If people had this kind of attitude we'd still be living in huts

    1. I'm sorry you misinterpreted what I was trying to say. No person should try and be like someone else and compare themselves to someone who they see online, a model who has a million filters on their picture. It's bad to starve, which is what I was trying to say in this post. I have a lot of friends who starved and are currently in the process of fixing it and because of that, I choose to write this post. I hope you can read this post again and find out what I was truly trying to say. Lots of care for you!
