
lifelong nemesis.

by - prosinca 07, 2018

                            (emotional)  P A I N.
“ A hurt, some are bearable while others are not. Some physical pain and emotional pain is unbearable because when you were cut, it was deep, and it bleed, and it got infected, and it scared... it slowly kills you.
Pain of life and love and hope. “ - urban dictionary.

Four letters. One word. Pain. Many meanings, words hidden underneath just a plain surface, feelings flooding their way just to escape the simple four letters, pouring all into our system, leaving a poisonous trace. For some it’s emotional, for others it’s just when you hurt your knee or sprain your ankle. For me it’s both. The pain of feeling you’re hopeless, depressed. Pain as a drug, an emotion you tie yourself to strongly, not being able to let go. One word but that strong. Not even a wound on your body, but feeling like every organ in your body is not functioning, your brain blank and only filled with emotions, depression. Something many experience on a daily basis, coping with it on their own way, finding a hobby, getting their mind off it. I can’t seem to latch it off. It’s stuck. What if it’s become a part of me? What if I’ll never get rid of if? What if pain becomes my lifelong nemesis. What if? Four letters, many meaning, much power. P a i n.

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